UK Release Date?

By rockstarrem | 20th Dec 2007 at 01:49 GMT in GTA IV | 43 Comments

A website called MCV says that GTA IV will be released on April 25th in the UK, missing the Easter release period. Sources close to Take 2 have told MCV this information. All of this would make sense if you look at Rockstars latest press release. As we have known, Rockstar says that GTA IV will be released in Q2 of 2008. April 25th is in this period, so it is possible.

There is no fact that this will be the actual release date, so don't get your hopes up too much.


STL67's photo
STL67 20th December, 2007 @ 02:26 - Permalink

awesome, i hope it is a bit earlier than that though, but its good enough for me :) hopefully this is true aswell :P

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 20th December, 2007 @ 04:34 - Permalink

Are there any corroborating sources?

US should be same or close shouldn't it?

Charger's photo
Charger 20th December, 2007 @ 05:21 - Permalink

Its pure Speculation...

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 20th December, 2007 @ 05:23 - Permalink

Most of it is, but you never know.

Back to SA.

mark123's photo
mark123 20th December, 2007 @ 10:13 - Permalink

april 25th? ... 5 days from the end of the fiscal 2nd quarter.. nah dont think so. rockstar and take two wouldnt miss the easter release rush to get it. in my opinion it'll be in march 10-20th.

i'd like it to be feb 18th cause thats my birthday but you cant have everything can you ;). but nah i dont think it'll be april 25th. its a good speculation in that it can only be before that date! i'm pretty sure amazon and places like that had april 25th as their release date. but in that conference call.. they'd let people know once they knew. so i doubt they found out ,to the date, that it would be releasd the day after the call. i think if it was.. it would be an official rockstar/take 2 comment. not some second party who has " sources" in take 2 .

warner's photo
warner 20th December, 2007 @ 13:24 - Permalink

if it is true (which i doubt) they need to pull there fingers out there arses and get this game completed for release cos the end of april is fuckin ages away and i am losing interest wid this game now lol.

mark123's photo
mark123 20th December, 2007 @ 14:03 - Permalink
if it is true (which i doubt) they need to pull there fingers out there arses and get this game completed for release cos the end of april is fuckin ages away and i am losing interest wid this game now lol.

yeah totally, i feel the same to be honest.

july, august, september... i was soo hyped for this game. i was on this website every couple hours looking for updates, i watched the first and second trailer soo many times.. then onces i heared about the delay.. i just kinda lost interest. i wasnt really blown away by the second trailer, there was no news for about 2 months or something.. then all of a sudden masses of news, and pictures ( many of which seemed to have clitches in them! ) .

i know this game is gonna kick ass, but a 6 months delay.. 2 months closer to the release start of the fiscal 2nd quarter and stil no release date.

my attitude now is if the game arrives i'll be like.. "okay cool ". theres been so much hype about it, and so many issues with the game that i'll probably even more critical than i should be about the graphics and stuff. because to be honest in the inside of buiildings.. to me it just looks the same as san andreas and stuff .. with a lil bit more detail but the walls, the colour, the atmospher. .hasnt changed. meh i dont know i'll stop complaining.

but like warner said, they better get a move on cause people like me and warner lost interest a while back

Red_91's photo
Red_91 20th December, 2007 @ 17:06 - Permalink

Really doubt that is the release date, theres going to be lots of speculation about the release date however I dont think this is right.

warner's photo
warner 20th December, 2007 @ 19:51 - Permalink

i emailed rockstar about the date and this is what they said.


GTA IV is being released March 2008

Kind Regards


2K Games Technical Support

Connor's photo
Connor 20th December, 2007 @ 19:53 - Permalink

Wow, that's pretty cool, I hope it's near my birthday. xD

It's pretty funny too since you're the guy who said GTAIV was dead. :P

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 20th December, 2007 @ 19:56 - Permalink

If it was true, why would they have the UK release date before the US one. Cos they game is released there before here, so having the UK one without knowing the US one is a little bit stupid

Connor's photo
Connor 20th December, 2007 @ 19:58 - Permalink

They might just like it that way?

I just can't wait for it, if it's in March 2008, that's brilliant.

warner's photo
warner 20th December, 2007 @ 20:03 - Permalink
Wow, that's pretty cool, I hope it's near my birthday. xD

It's pretty funny too since you're the guy who said GTAIV was dead. :P

i was just pissed off cos there was no news for a while. i apologise. email them yourself if you dont believe me

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 20th December, 2007 @ 20:10 - Permalink
i emailed rockstar about the date and this is what they said.


GTA IV is being released March 2008

Kind Regards


2K Games Technical Support

Are you fucking serious? I don't think they'd reply to an email like that.

warner's photo
warner 20th December, 2007 @ 20:26 - Permalink

heres the email address i sent it to, ask them yourself

[email protected]

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 20th December, 2007 @ 22:03 - Permalink
i emailed rockstar about the date and this is what they said.


GTA IV is being released March 2008

Kind Regards


2K Games Technical Support

I call bullshit.

They wouldn't leave it out of their fiscal report, and then disclose it in an email to some random person. Plus, that email you claim to be contacting Take2 looks as far from legitimate as they come.

Charger's photo
Charger 20th December, 2007 @ 22:16 - Permalink

Theres been many of those topics at GTAF, forum members emailing Take2, Take2 does respond, but not with answers. Just take a look at this topic:

But for Warner, its a bit weird they would give you an exact month.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 20th December, 2007 @ 23:53 - Permalink
heres the email address i sent it to, ask them yourself

[email protected]

Theres the problem!

Highwire's photo
Highwire 21st December, 2007 @ 05:38 - Permalink

If this was true and in Canada I would be able to get it for a Belated b-day present! My B-day is on April 20th.

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 21st December, 2007 @ 10:29 - Permalink

to be honest it comes out when it comes out...

i don't believe that take 2 would disclose the release of it's biggest game yet in a an email to a complete stranger...

sorry i just dont see it happening...

warner's photo
warner 21st December, 2007 @ 10:34 - Permalink

why would i fucking lie about it. As i said email them yourselves if you dont believe me im only saying what they said.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 10:41 - Permalink

I just email them, I will wait for an answer.

I feel stupid doing this.

EDIT:So I received and email saying that my email was received and I'll get a response within 24 hours

Angry Gorilla's photo
Angry Gorilla 21st December, 2007 @ 10:49 - Permalink

I think I'll wait to see what happens next, I don't really care about the release date, just so long as I can eventually get my paws on the game.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 12:13 - Permalink

So I received an email from rocktar and they didn't say anything about the release, so take that you liar!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 21st December, 2007 @ 12:16 - Permalink

Fake! I mean, 3 days ago Take2 said they can't pin a released date for GTA yet ...

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 12:30 - Permalink

I just wanted to prove that Warner was lying.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 21st December, 2007 @ 12:38 - Permalink

The email isn't even the right domain. Usually, it would something like "[email protected]" or "[email protected]" nothing like "[email protected]" which is far weird for a well known company, don't you think Warner?

warner's photo
warner 21st December, 2007 @ 13:36 - Permalink

well if i was lying i would of made up a better email address than that. It is the truth if you dont believe me FUCK OFF!!

Connor's photo
Connor 21st December, 2007 @ 13:51 - Permalink

Wow, please, I doubt it's a good idea telling 3 good members and 1 moderator to fuck off.

I don't mind when it comes out, just if it comes out around March, I'll be happy.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 21st December, 2007 @ 14:04 - Permalink
well if i was lying i would of made up a better email address than that. It is the truth if you dont believe me FUCK OFF!!

Didnt anyone teach you some manners,warner?That e-mail address sounds so fake.Take 2 probably have their own domain.

EDIT:Hang on,2K games?wasnt NBA 2K8 made by that company?Why would they have anything to do with Rockstar or Take 2?

warner's photo
warner 21st December, 2007 @ 14:48 - Permalink

this where i sent my email [email protected] and the above address which is from take 2 is the email address i got a reply from i am not lying and NO ONE HAS PROVED ME WRONG!

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 14:56 - Permalink

Now you are just making up excuses....

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 21st December, 2007 @ 15:08 - Permalink
this where i sent my email [email protected] and the above address which is from take 2 is the email address i got a reply from i am not lying and NO ONE HAS PROVED ME WRONG!

I just did, first you said it was this email address: [email protected], now you say it's a different one. redirects to, a tech support software that Take2 would never use. So, it is wrong. In this case, you can fuck off.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 15:16 - Permalink

Why don't you just admit that you are wrong Warner?

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 21st December, 2007 @ 15:20 - Permalink
Why don't you just admit that you are wrong Warner?

He can't right now.

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 15:21 - Permalink
Why don't you just admit that you are wrong Warner?

He can't right now.

Why not?

Connor's photo
Connor 21st December, 2007 @ 15:30 - Permalink

Apparently, he's suspended, again.

He needs to stop making things like this up. Then insulting people.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 21st December, 2007 @ 15:30 - Permalink
Why don't you just admit that you are wrong Warner?

He can't right now.

Why not?

Thought it was obvious, but he's been a pain lately so I gave him a 3 day suspension.

MIX's photo
MIX 21st December, 2007 @ 16:36 - Permalink
I just did, first you said it was this email address: [email protected], now you say it's a different one. redirects to, a tech support software that Take2 would never use. So, it is wrong. In this case, you can fuck off.

If you send e-mail to [email protected] then reply will come from [email protected] :withstupid:

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 21st December, 2007 @ 17:06 - Permalink

Well isn't that strange then, because my reply came from [email protected] a fucking week ago.

MIX's photo
MIX 21st December, 2007 @ 17:32 - Permalink

OK maybe he is liar. :o

Ivan's photo
Ivan 21st December, 2007 @ 17:41 - Permalink
OK maybe he is liar. :o

You can bet he is.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 21st December, 2007 @ 18:01 - Permalink
OK maybe he is liar. :o


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