The Lost and Damned Fansite Event

By Chris | 13th Feb 2009 at 23:04 GMT in GTA IV | 26 Comments


As you may know, earlier this week Rockstar Games flew myself and several other webmasters from the large GTA fansites out to New York City to preview The Lost and Damned. I've now written up my diary/preview of the event which you can read on The Lost and Damned fansite event page. The event was hosted by Rockstar Games and Microsoft, and the preview itself was from 2pm-6pm on the Tuesday. The rest of our time there has been detailed in my preview, with some photos I took alongside (unfortunately none from the event itself as no cameras were allowed).

The other webmasters that attended were Psy from, Adam, Jevon and illspirit from GTANet, G-WizZ from, and finally, Zidane and Kodo from GTAGaming.

I'd like to personally give a massive thanks to Rockstar for inviting us all out again to this event. I had a great time both playing the game, as well as meeting various Rockstars and the other webmasters again.

Link: The Lost and Damned Fansite Event

P.S. If you have any questions about The Lost and Damned, or anything to do with the event itself, just ask them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them for you.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 14th February, 2009 @ 00:05 - Permalink

That 360 Elite looks so sweet. Aww man, I really upsetted now. I hope you get stabbed before R* invites you to play the second episode.

Connor's photo
Connor 14th February, 2009 @ 00:20 - Permalink

Must of been nice, lol at the game you can't play. :awesome:

Nothin really to ask you, since I asked you on MSN.

Chris's photo
Chris 14th February, 2009 @ 00:28 - Permalink

Lol. Jealous GTADon? :P

Sorry I can't help being awesome etc. In all honestly we've no idea if they'll invite us out for ep2. Of course it's a possibility though and it would be awesome if they did.

Yeah it was cool to be able to play TLAD early, but just like IV there's a period of a few days when we get back where we have to wait until the actual release which is a bit annoying. Still, it's a great game and I recommend all you 360 owners download it when it comes out on Tuesday. Definitely worth the money.

Connor's photo
Connor 14th February, 2009 @ 00:36 - Permalink

I'm definetely getting it, I got IV the day it came out.

Sort of a tradition now.

Artur's photo
Artur 14th February, 2009 @ 06:23 - Permalink

Yeah I got the perfect amount of MS points ready to go. Sounds like you had a fun time Chris, (as always) can't wait 'till LaD is released and we'll find out all the stuff R* has been hiding up their sleeves.

Chris's photo
Chris 14th February, 2009 @ 18:21 - Permalink

Yeah a lot of fun was had. Not just with TLAD either.

I can't believe no one has any questions for me though, I played the game for four hours. Shitty Xbox community here or what? Is anybody apart from you two actually getting the game?

I thought most of our members here had 360's, seems the opposite way round now. What's going on!?

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 14th February, 2009 @ 18:32 - Permalink

Chris I hate you. Those photos look rape.

Is it as fun as the original story? Any thing new worth mentioning?

TM™'s photo
TM™ 14th February, 2009 @ 21:03 - Permalink

Found a typo in the article Chris:

One of the Rockstar guys said something along the lines of "What he hell are you guys doing? Play the game!".

Lol, I can imagine the guy actually saying that, sounds sort of like a really, really old guy talking to you. :lol:

Anyways, I really do hope you get stabbed hard in the ass, because I myself really want to play this DLC! And yes, I'm soon going to be getting a PS3, not a 360. So I won't be experiencing this stuff at all. And to be honest, all my questions seem asnwered. And yeah, hopefully more fansite events like this can be done in future as well.

Chris's photo
Chris 14th February, 2009 @ 21:09 - Permalink

Thanks for pointing that out, fixed now :)

Artur's photo
Artur 15th February, 2009 @ 02:49 - Permalink
Yeah a lot of fun was had. Not just with TLAD either.

I can't believe no one has any questions for me though, I played the game for four hours. Shitty Xbox community here or what? Is anybody apart from you two actually getting the game?

I thought most of our members here had 360's, seems the opposite way round now. What's going on!?

Yeah I've been noticing the only people that have been posting in TLAD threads have been me usually and some other members. As for questions....

I remember in a preview from IGN or something they mentioned the game had a grain filter on and they thought it was a good idea but I'm wondering if it's still present in the game and if you can toggle it on or off.

And how about the voice acting in game, (most GTAs don't have a problem with it) but does it feel a lot like your actually in a biker gang, etc?

Also, how do you like Johnny, Chris? I know a lot of people loved Niko but is Johnny as likeable seeing as he's a totally different character.

How are the missions, because in IV they began to feel really similar towards the end of the game but TLAD looks like it has a lot of different styled and more epic missions with bike chases and the like.

Oh and out of the new weapons which one is your favourite?

I guess that's enough for questions :D

Edit: One last thing, I'm not sure if you'll know the answer to this but for those that do get TLAD will you be able to play in Free Mode with friends using all the features included in the DLC? Such as new weapons, vehicles and all the other stuff, I'm curious how R* would configure this.

Blur's photo
Blur 15th February, 2009 @ 04:15 - Permalink
Yeah a lot of fun was had. Not just with TLAD either.

I can't believe no one has any questions for me though, I played the game for four hours. Shitty Xbox community here or what? Is anybody apart from you two actually getting the game?

I thought most of our members here had 360's, seems the opposite way round now. What's going on!?

Yeah I've been noticing the only people that have been posting in TLAD threads have been me usually and some other members. As for questions....

I remember in a preview from IGN or something they mentioned the game had a grain filter on and they thought it was a good idea but I'm wondering if it's still present in the game and if you can toggle it on or off.

And how about the voice acting in game, (most GTAs don't have a problem with it) but does it feel a lot like your actually in a biker gang, etc?

Also, how do you like Johnny, Chris? I know a lot of people loved Niko but is Johnny as likeable seeing as he's a totally different character.

How are the missions, because in IV they began to feel really similar towards the end of the game but TLAD looks like it has a lot of different styled and more epic missions with bike chases and the like.

Oh and out of the new weapons which one is your favourite?

I guess that's enough for questions :D

Edit: One last thing, I'm not sure if you'll know the answer to this but for those that do get TLAD will you be able to play in Free Mode with friends using all the features included in the DLC? Such as new weapons, vehicles and all the other stuff, I'm curious how R* would configure this.

Let me guess Sawed-off Shotgun. :awesome:

Slyde's photo
Slyde 15th February, 2009 @ 04:31 - Permalink

I would of ripped off my pants and started jacking off at the screen if it was me.

Questions : What was the shittest part about the whole thing? (If there were any)

Artur's photo
Artur 15th February, 2009 @ 09:17 - Permalink

Hey Chris this is kind of off-topic but the Achievements for TLAD have been released with the pics and everything and noticing how you have the IV ones displayed on the homepage, thought you would want these as well. Here's the link.

Chris's photo
Chris 15th February, 2009 @ 15:25 - Permalink
Yeah a lot of fun was had. Not just with TLAD either.

I can't believe no one has any questions for me though, I played the game for four hours. Shitty Xbox community here or what? Is anybody apart from you two actually getting the game?

I thought most of our members here had 360's, seems the opposite way round now. What's going on!?

Yeah I've been noticing the only people that have been posting in TLAD threads have been me usually and some other members. As for questions....

I remember in a preview from IGN or something they mentioned the game had a grain filter on and they thought it was a good idea but I'm wondering if it's still present in the game and if you can toggle it on or off.

And how about the voice acting in game, (most GTAs don't have a problem with it) but does it feel a lot like your actually in a biker gang, etc?

Also, how do you like Johnny, Chris? I know a lot of people loved Niko but is Johnny as likeable seeing as he's a totally different character.

How are the missions, because in IV they began to feel really similar towards the end of the game but TLAD looks like it has a lot of different styled and more epic missions with bike chases and the like.

Oh and out of the new weapons which one is your favourite?

I guess that's enough for questions :D

Edit: One last thing, I'm not sure if you'll know the answer to this but for those that do get TLAD will you be able to play in Free Mode with friends using all the features included in the DLC? Such as new weapons, vehicles and all the other stuff, I'm curious how R* would configure this.

Yeah noise filter. I personally don't think it makes too much of a difference, though if you're used to watching HD films/TV it's kinda like that, so I had no problem with it. Some of the guys preferred it off though, and you can do that in the options.

The voice acting is superb once again. Yeah it does feel like you're very much a part of the gang.

Yeah you're often riding around with other members in a pack kind of thing. Looks great on screen, and it's definitely something new and fresh for the series. There's also a lot of action going on, especially in the first few missions. Different from all the other GTA games which of course start out with tutorial type missions to get new players into the flow of the game, obviously no need with this since everyone will have already played IV.

The auto pistol. Yeah the new shotguns are great, but I really like the automatic pistol, it feels great. The grenade launcher is pretty cool as well, but it would be better if the grenades exploded on impact.

I would of ripped off my pants and started jacking off at the screen if it was me.

Questions : What was the shittest part about the whole thing? (If there were any)

There's nothing I'd say that was shit about the game, the only reason you'd be disappointed is if they didn't add a feature that you particularly wanted.

Hey Chris this is kind of off-topic but the Achievements for TLAD have been released with the pics and everything and noticing how you have the IV ones displayed on the homepage, thought you would want these as well. Here's the link.

Yeah I know, I'll get round to them whenever I get time. Thanks.

little_homer's photo
little_homer 15th February, 2009 @ 16:59 - Permalink

Who are you giving the stickers? :P

Question: What did johnnys bike feel like? Was it faster than the usual bikes or did it steer differently?

Chris's photo
Chris 15th February, 2009 @ 20:20 - Permalink

Yeah I mentioned that in the article. The bikes handling is a lot better. It's more responsive and you don't fall off as easily as before, so they're more fun to drive.

When handbraking, the camera now stays behind your vehicle, so you no longer have to manually correct it with the analogue stick which is nice... except you still find yourself doing it :P

Take a while to get used to I suppose.

As for the stickers. I dunno. You want some?

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 15th February, 2009 @ 21:12 - Permalink

Yeah Chris, you better of gotten enough for the whole of the TGTAP...

Chris's photo
Chris 15th February, 2009 @ 21:23 - Permalink

I would've done but I didn't know the exact member count at the time, I grabbed 30-40 and hoped it would be enough.

Turns out I needed over 21000! So yeah, not gonna be enough for everyone, then again, not everyone is active. In fact, not many people at all! :/

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 16th February, 2009 @ 00:12 - Permalink

Give 'em out as consolations for people who got 2nd in the awards (let them pay actual postage).

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 16th February, 2009 @ 04:14 - Permalink

im hearing rumors that you can already download TLAD is this true?

Noru's photo
Noru 16th February, 2009 @ 05:00 - Permalink

I would post some questions but all the Questions I had about T&D have been answered. I'm looking forward to downloading it and playing ^_^.

little_homer's photo
little_homer 16th February, 2009 @ 10:56 - Permalink
Yeah I mentioned that in the article. The bikes handling is a lot better. It's more responsive and you don't fall off as easily as before, so they're more fun to drive.

When handbraking, the camera now stays behind your vehicle, so you no longer have to manually correct it with the analogue stick which is nice... except you still find yourself doing it :P

Take a while to get used to I suppose.

As for the stickers. I dunno. You want some?

Hell yeah! But i dont think you would be kind to send some to finland :D

Chris's photo
Chris 16th February, 2009 @ 11:30 - Permalink
Edit: One last thing, I'm not sure if you'll know the answer to this but for those that do get TLAD will you be able to play in Free Mode with friends using all the features included in the DLC? Such as new weapons, vehicles and all the other stuff, I'm curious how R* would configure this.

Sorry I missed this in my first reply to you. But TLAD and GTA IV are essentially different games. The multiplayer modes don't cross over. So you'll only be able to play TLAD game modes with other people who have TLAD. TLAD does have it's own free mode though.

im hearing rumors that you can already download TLAD is this true?


Yeah I mentioned that in the article. The bikes handling is a lot better. It's more responsive and you don't fall off as easily as before, so they're more fun to drive.

When handbraking, the camera now stays behind your vehicle, so you no longer have to manually correct it with the analogue stick which is nice... except you still find yourself doing it :P

Take a while to get used to I suppose.

As for the stickers. I dunno. You want some?

Hell yeah! But i dont think you would be kind to send some to finland :D

Lol well I live in the UK, cheaper for me to send to Europe than it is to America ;)

Either way I won't be able to send any out until Easter when I'm back home. I need to decide who to give them to and how many etc.

Artur's photo
Artur 16th February, 2009 @ 15:51 - Permalink

Oh I see thanks for clearing that up Chris. So it'll have it's own Freemode but how about all the original modes (Team Deathmatch, Territories, etc.)?

Also the TLAD site has been updated. At the bottom of the page there's links to the new weapons, music, vehicles and all that stuff. There's a list of all the new vehicles and some of the music.

Edit: Didn't know the pool cue was an actual weapon. Wow, there's a huge amount of new bikes. I'm also pretty sure they messed up on the Achievements section because it has 100 gamerpoints for 1 Percenter (which I believe is the first mission) and only 5 points for Get Good Wood. Can't wait for the game, only another day :D

Chris's photo
Chris 16th February, 2009 @ 17:08 - Permalink

That was last week's update which evidently you missed :P

TLAD MP doesn't retain all the original modes, it does however have Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Race, and I think Free Mode... the rest of the modes are all the new ones.

Artur's photo
Artur 17th February, 2009 @ 00:01 - Permalink

I missed an update on TLAD no way! Haha thanks again for clarifying Chris.

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