GTA Online Players to Receive GTA0,000 for Free

By Chris | 11th Oct 2013 at 15:47 GMT in GTA V | 10 Comments



As everyone is aware, the launch of GTA Online did not go as smoothly as we all hoped, thankfully though, Rockstar have been working around the clock to get all the issues straightened out. After three patches, things seem to be looking much, much better now, but by no means flawless.
Today, Rockstar have announced that they will be giving everyone who has played GTA Online this month a free GTA$ 500,000 bonus to their account, as an apology for not being able to handle the sheer popularity of the game. To maintain some sort of balance in the game with this huge injection of cash to everyone, Rockstar will be making two deposits of GTA$ 250,000 spread over a couple of weeks. There will also be a fourth patch released to facilitate the receipt of these additional funds, as well as to fix a few remaining connectivity issues.

  • You must play or have played Grand Theft Auto Online at any time during the month of October 2013 in order to qualify for the GTA$ 500,000 deposit in your in-game bank account.
  • Players will first have to install a forthcoming GTAV title update which we expect to happen next week. That title update (1.04) is expected to fix the remaining instances of issues that have caused vehicle purchase loss and will also enable the functionality through which we’ll be providing this GTA$ stimulus cash to players.
  • We will announce at the Rockstar Newswire when each deposit is made.
  • Each of the two GTA$ 250,000 deposits will be made by Rockstar and should automatically appear in the in-game GTA Online bank accounts of eligible players. Beyond downloading the forthcoming title update mentioned above, there should not be any additional special action required by eligible players to redeem. 

Full details on the Newswire.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 11th October, 2013 @ 16:20 - Permalink

Looks like I need to get online :P That's awesome they are doing that for the hardship, though.

NSanityHD's photo
NSanityHD 11th October, 2013 @ 17:52 - Permalink

Wahoo,better fill that bank up! :lol:


Even though I keep losing my money...,000 each death I get taken from me is silly.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 11th October, 2013 @ 17:58 - Permalink

Although I had K in the single player, I'm down to or 7K now because of hospital visits, Doesn't pay well to keep getting killed (injured?!?) haha


I didn't go online though I could have while updating, I guess, but I only had so much time and of course, the FREE XBL GOLD basically expired on the 7th I think it was, a day late, a dollar short. Along with compensation for this insult (GTA3 classic Joe Pants line! HAHA) They should make an effort to help people bring back characters and status that they'd been playing with and then lost, and started over. Yesterday they told everyone to EXIT to SP before saving, this might still be the best thing in the short term, don't use the Cloud based storage, because the servers if used exclusively or in part are certainly needing more work on them

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 12th October, 2013 @ 18:45 - Permalink

Just a tip on at least quick and dirty money making in Single Player, before I had progressed beyond even 5 missions, I was able to come across the Open World dynamic ambient event of armored cars and money transportation, you're only need to get that is to stop the car and grab the money, the other day I'd tried two tactics, shoot with my pistol while chasing down the armored car, this is rather futile with it in motion. The other one that worked for me was spotting the armored van at a red light, and I had already disclosed finding the grenade launcher off the Eastern shore-line of the game, under water, each time you pick it up as before with free weapons, it adds to your ammo overall. Anyway, I launched a grenade, needless to say, and it blew the whole truck up, instead of losing the money, wads of bills were laying everywhere, so it's a fun way to 'crack the piggy bank' and it's not a lot of trouble either. 

You won't be gaining more then a few thousand each time, but it's still very easy, don't know if this element is in multiplayer but it's the best SP method I felt, since I respawned at the hospital not far from where the event keeps respawning, somewhat at random, however

matsuda420man's photo
matsuda420man 24th October, 2013 @ 09:13 - Permalink

I dont think I believe this because I had to reset 3 times and I didn't get no money wen I got tha online to work

Sherman's photo
Sherman 24th October, 2013 @ 19:08 - Permalink

I dont think I believe this because I had to reset 3 times and I didn't get no money wen I got tha online to work


They're going to announce it on the R* newswire when they're going to do the 2 0,000 deposits ;)

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 25th October, 2013 @ 08:09 - Permalink

I will miss out on this, and actually just watched some YouTube of GTAO that someone wanted to share via Newswire. It gave me some actual idea of what people are doing and how GTAO looks in one regard, I feel seeing too much before hand would spoil too much but it pays to get some kind of background when you add in all the issues that people are bringing up and what patches may effect, since some people claim they do nothing in their case, this is extremely bothersome I feel.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 25th October, 2013 @ 14:40 - Permalink

^ I just made a new GT and did the 30 day trial. Requires a 'payment method' but it's 30 days and you can always cancel it before it charges, if you wanted to.

BlackListedB's photo
BlackListedB 25th October, 2013 @ 22:06 - Permalink

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but when I logged on XBL to do the first major GTAO update, that's when the promotional free Gold offer had expired, I noticed this in the messages that also expire after about 30 days in the XBL in-box. Among the cost issue I'd like to see them revise, I'd like to see inbox messages allowed to save for extended periods, and at the moment there was a guy I played with in my friend's list for a long time with Red Dead Red, but he's no longer in my Friends listing, which means he cleared me off his I imagine, but I should be able to contact people in such instances because I'm sure it was a mistake on his part and not something attributed with me, or it could have been my extended offline time. Either way, it presents a  problem that exists for ALL XBOX LIVE users, not just me. Also, longer recorded voice mail messages, they should be extended to a maximum 30 seconds each, and you can optionally send shorter ones, or multiples of them as required to extend beyond half a minute conversation/s

Poppy_Mitchell's photo
Poppy_Mitchell 14th December, 2013 @ 20:05 - Permalink

500k's nothing. I like, make tripple that per hour! Lol!

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