GTALCS News From GameInformer

By Chris | 20th Jul 2005 at 18:38 GMT in Liberty City Stories | 1 Comment

gameinformercoveraugust2005.jpgSubscribers to GameInformer magazine in the USA recently received their latest issue. In it is a nice preview of Liberty City Stories. In amongst the article are 4 new screenshots. Some new information is also in the article:

  • Hidden Packages, Stunt Jumps, Rampages, Taxi Missions and Vigilante Missions are all returning
  • New vehicles and weapons are planned
  • The game will take the average gamer between 80 and 100 hours to complete
  • The targetting system has improved upon what was implemented in San Andreas

It sounds like the targetting system will be much better for us to use, judging by a quote in the magazine. They spoke to Rockstar's Todd Zuniga:

The targeting system is based on an improved version of the San Andreas scheme, making for what Zuniga feels isĀ  "The best [targeting system] we've had so far."

GameInformer also comment on how impressive the game looks at this stage, and while they say popup issues are still be addressed it sounds like everything else is going smoothly!

We don't have any high quality shots for you but this low-quality scan which is not unreadable clearly shows you them.

Thanks to for the news.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 20th July, 2005 @ 18:48 - Permalink

yeah its great! I can't wait for them Gamespot and IGN previews. Not so long though... :drool:

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