New MTA SA Video

By Adriaan | 7th Oct 2005 at 16:00 GMT in San Andreas | 2 Comments

The MTA Team has just released another video for their multiplayer mod for San Andreas MTA SA. The video shows what they have so far achieved with the racing part of the multiplayer mod. Visit the MTASA Video page to download the "Quality Assurance Video".

Links: Multi Theft Auto, MTA SA, MTA blog and MTA SA Videos

person123's photo
person123 8th October, 2005 @ 04:45 - Permalink

wow that vid rocks my socks i wish i had a good enough computer for san andreas

fire_spinner's photo
fire_spinner 11th October, 2005 @ 16:06 - Permalink

That video rocks my computer wont play san andreas but I wish it did. It looks like a good achievement so far.

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