New, very high quality screens

By Cryptecks | 28th Jul 2004 at 19:37 GMT in San Andreas | 2 Comments

Well, not exactly new, but GTASanAn has been granted exclusive access to two of the screens that were in ScreenFun, the Bravo magazine. While we can't host the actual screens here, I'll give you the link and a description of both the new screens.

The Winnebago (RV) Driving Through the Countryside

Well, this screen definitely shows more than its scanned counterpart. From what I see, it looks like a freeway is extending out over water, or at least into the air.

The LSPD Chopper Showing Off The New Lights

This is just a beautiful screen, as it show the new increased power of the graphics engine. The volumetric lighting here is top notch, and the fact that the light wraps around the body of the tanker show off some of the new radial lighting effects.

Anyway, hope you enjoy those screens, and a big thanks goes to GTASanAn for getting the exclusive.

Source: GTASanAn

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 29th July, 2004 @ 07:04 - Permalink

the 2nd one is seen before . But look at the first one, the grasses are very realistic :D

Cryptecks's photo
Cryptecks 29th July, 2004 @ 21:19 - Permalink

Yeah both were seen before, but as scanned pictures from a magazine. These are a lot clearer, and yes, the grass looks very awesome.

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